Farewell to Family and a Fresh Start Celebrating Full Health in Week 31
We Prepare to Say Goodbye to Papa
This week is a sad but also exciting week for Jasper and his crew. My father-in-law affectionately known in the house as Papa is headed back across the ocean and returning to India to check in on the family across the ocean. We don’t take lightly how incredibly fortunate we are to be able to live the lifestyle of travel and exploration we have. Papa will be back but he’s also excited to get back to where he is from.
A huge upside before Papa makes the trip is we are back to a healthy house. After passing around a cold we are finally almost all back to the clear heads. As my fellow parents know, when the 1st sickness comes to your child and they’re totally confused why they’re feel this way. It’s hard to just comfort when you’re tired and usually sick as well. To see the smile though that signals they are better warms the heart for sure.
On an upside professionally, this is my last week at work before some time off. By American standards, my company gives a very generous parental leave package especially for dads. This next few weeks I look forward to some much needed time with Jasper and even some travel on the horizon. 1st flight coming in a couple of weeks!
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